Monday, August 8, 2011

The Halfmoon Sandwich and Salad Shoppe

On Saturday, my mom and I got something to eat at The Halfmoon Sandwich and Salad Shoppe. We ordered our food to go, and took it home. They're delicious. They're not like a normal chicken tender. They're better for you. They cover them in bread crumbs(maybe Panko crumbs) then fry them. They're very good. They kind of look like this(without the fancy plating):

Um, I'd give them an 8/10
One time one of them was overcooked and one time the edges were slighty burnt

1615 ROUTE 9

I'm Back!!!!!!

Sorry for not posting for a loooooooooooonnnnnnnngggggg time. I have tons of new reviews that I'd love to share. I'm going to Long Beach Island(LBI), NJ on Saturady, August 13th. I've heard that 'The Chicken or the Egg' is a very good resturant that has amazing chicken fingers. My family and I plan to go there. I'll probably post that review too.

Please comment and let me know what resturant's chicken fingers you'd like me to review next. I'll probably review the fries too. Thanks!
